PAMA Project


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PAMA : a project based on a situational analysis of health programs management, in particular HIV/AIDS programs in Africa. The weaknesses observed are as follows:
1- Long waiting times for HIV/AIDS patients in treatment centres due to poor appointment scheduling of ARV drugs rell. This leads to patients discouragement, poor adherence to treatment and a high rate of loss to follow-up.
2- Ineffective follow-up of patients on ARVs due to lack of information on each patients' status. It is cumbersome for treatment centres to identify patients who are active, lost to follow-up, deceased, transferred or in transit.
3- Lack of information on the HIV status of patients' family relatives: little information on partners and children' HIV status. This constitutes a significant setback to family centered approach in HIV care, as well as an eective management of sero-discordant couples.
4- Lack of information on the active le of patients on ARVs due to the absence of a consolidated ART database at sites level in the country. This leads to poor quantificationcation of ARVs and other commodities, resulting to treatment interruption in the field.
5- Ineffective follow-up of pregnant women in antenatal consultations (ANC) and children in immunization services (EPI). This is due to the lack of an operational tracking system for these targets. This leads to a high rate of loss to follow-up in ANC, PMTCT, and EPI services.
6- Poor management of ARVs in treatment centres. This is due to the inadequate management of inventory tools (stock cards, registers, etc.) at pharmacy level. This leads to artificial stock outs of drugs , poor management and traceability of ARVs and other commodities.
7- Poor data quality and inaccurate health information's reporting system. This is due to manual data collection and a poorly performing reporting system. This results leads to the unavailability of quality strategic information hindering decision-making at all levels..

The weaknesses listed above have a negative impact on the quality of HIV, maternal and child health services provided by health at facilities. On another hand, this altered the quality of the strategic information available for decision-making at all levels. PAMA was designed to address these gap.

PAMA: An innovative tool aiming at:
- Improving the quality of health care services offered to patients both at health facilities and community level. - Improving the quality of health and logistics information for effective decision -making at all levels.


PAMA brochure

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Why choose PAMA ?

  • PAMA is an adaptable, flexible and health care application

  • PAMA is a free tool proposed to health facilities and program managers

  • PAMA is achieving the sdg's monitoring progress inform policy and ensuring accountability in the health sectors

  • An integrated and innovative solution for electronic data collection and patients management at facility level

PAMA test Map in Cameroon

  • Centre region, R4D International
    Principal Investigator : Dr Sieleunou,MD,MPH,MHE

  • Testimonials

Coordination Team

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Dr Sieleunou,MD,MPH,MHE
Principal Investigator

He has extensive experience in maternal & child health programming, management, health system strengthening and research in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Ajeh Rogers, MPH
Program Manager

PhD research follow. He is the Health Program Coordinator at R4D International. He has accumulated experience in public health program implementation and operational research over the past 5 years.

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Administration & Finance

He is the administration and Finance Officer in R4D International

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Leonard NDONGO
ICT Administrator

Masters in Technological Innovation and Computer Engineering from ISTIA France. He is specialized in building information system, network and the development of e-health and m -health applications and health informatics.